Know the Rules and Regulation
We always try to inculcate rules and disciplines to our students because we believe that a good educated human being is what the society needs and always important.
- A student admitted in Khargram College Of Education should maintain an ethos of commitment to a professional Programme.
- He/She is expected to achieve all the good manners and maintain those strictly.
- According to the West Bengal Board of Primary Education(WBBPE) and NCTE the trainees must attend 75% classes or he/she will be friend for least attendance.
- The trainees must attend all the practice teaching classes. No excuses without serious issues will be granted.
- A trainee must also present in all college functions.
- Prion permission is required from the principal for any holiday.
- Every student is expected to make the best use of the college library.
- Every student is told to take the preliminary computer course class.
- There will be some class tests and two semester exams. Trainee must have to sit all of them.
- Our college strictly maintain the anti-ragging rule. So any incidents related to ragging, tearing or violence must not be tolerated.